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CSS files are built from the contents of the @prism/scss package and made avialable within the @prism/styles package. The assets are created using the following schema:

Root assets match:

Theme assets match:

  • <theme>: the theme represented in the file
  • <component>: component styles are specific to
  • [-grid|-reboot]: (optional) Bootstrap provides three root files: bootstrap.scss, bootstrap-grid, and bootstrap-reboot. These files are represented here using logic from Bootstrap.
  • [.comps]: (optional) includes all component styles
  • [.sandbox]: (optional) prefixes all selectors with .prism-sandbox; this prevents PRISM defined styles from "leaking" outside of the container. Developers must wrap all PRISM components with this class name in order to have the PRISM styles appear.
  • [.min]: (optional) minified file using CSSNano

Themes available now:

  • prism: this is the "Manheim" theme; the name is scheduled to change to "manheim" in the future
  • mui: (deprecated) a theme to carry over MUI styles to make ease transitions


This package consists of raw scss files used within the PRISM library to build the @prism/styles package. The @prism/scss package can be useful to build app specific components that will match the PRISM design system as it changes over time.

As of version 1.10.0, work is being done to extend Bootstrap in a more cohesive manner enabling more updates and code to be leveraged from the Bootstrap ecosystem. This work will impact the @prism/scss package over time.



Branding and style guidelines are provided by the user experience group once approved. The approval process has many layers and currently results in a specification established in Figma for usage, design, and content. In development, styling is heavily based off Bootstrap and PRISM extends it under the hood.

This means, the class names provided by Bootstrap are likely available to be used in your applications including the utility classes such as spacing and text. Some Bootstrap class names have also been made into modules such as @prism/container, @prism/row, and @prism/col for the Grid system.

If you find a class name does not appear to be supported for some reason in the PRISM library, please file an issue (for faster corrections also provide a pull request).

Z Index

When working with the ordering of different layers, keeping track of each individual position can be taxing. Below is a list of starting indexes based on the role of the component. Ranges are incremented in thousands to allow plenty of room for the number of things applications can hold.

Note, this list is different from the z-index variables Bootstrap provides. These variables are fine to use within the application as they will fall well below the ranges defined. The ranges defined here are standardized and used across several applications and shared services and influence the components built within the PRISM library. Stacking conflicts can likely be avoided by adhering to these ranges as well.



As of version 1.10.0, PRISM has one theme known as the "Manheim" theme. This is the current face of PRISM. Other themes are in development to support other brands and usage requirements. Themes are built and published through the @prism/styles package. This package, contains built .css files useful to style components within an application. Component sytles are both bundled and separated within the theme directories published.