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Single Sort


The single level sort allows a user to sort data in a responsive table by one criterion at a time in any breakpoint.

Common Characteristics

The single level sort consists of a “sort by” label and an action link displaying the currently selected sort criterion. Clicking or tapping the action link opens a panel of sort criteria, each with a pair of buttons for sorting high-to-low or low-to-high.

  • “↑” sorts low-to-high (#-###,###) / last-to-first (Z-A)
  • “↓” sorts high-to-low (###,###-#) / first-to-last (A-Z)

The single level sort should be paired with the Basic Responsive Table. Sort criteria is determined by the needs of each use case.


Default Single Sort

Live Editor


Single Sort

sortFieldsarray[]Array of available sortField objects (See below).
activeSortFieldobjectnullsortField object representing current search criteria
dataRowsarray[]Array of components to sort base on sort vale. Components can either have simple string value or must define a sortvalue attribute.
sortedCallbackfunctionnullCallback called after data is resorted, receives array of sorted data.
sortOrderstring"ASC"String defining current sort direction. ASC or DESC

sortField Object

labelstring""Label for search option
sortvaluestring"" (optional)Optional sortable value.
indexnumberundefinedUnique Integer used to match sortFields object with activeSortField
sorttypestring"alpha"Type of sort. alpha or number